Cotton value Chain: Diffusion of responsibility

Insaf Nizam - International Labour Organization addressing @ the 3rd Global Cotton Conference on 7th Oct 2024 in New Delhi.
 Applying ILO lens; Some of the core fundamental principle issues that are affecting the farming sector.
Insaf iterated that we focused on fundamental principles and rights at work in Telangana. As a start, and now we are moving into multiplication.

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We developed a model. That has looked after all these issues of child labor, post-labor, freedom of association, occupational safety and health, and discrimination in a very coherent manner.
There are several successes. We have one of our panelists speak from the workers point of view. We have workers who are content and motivated, we have government officials who are passionate about what they're doing and very knowledgeable about their roles and responsibilities, who take a proactive approach.

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We have aware and empowered workers, both men and women, who know what their rights are, who know how to serve them, and who know, and who are capable of bargaining when those rights are not met. And we have communities, children, who are going to school, who are happy. It doesn't mean that we have solved all the problems of decent work in Telangana. And that was not the purpose.

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The purpose was to create a model and bring that success story to you, which we are doing today. So, what we call for is an integrated approach to the parking sector, where all these rights are met.

Coherently, in a way that will lead to productive employment in the public sector, we are sure that the sector has a bright future where children can go to school.

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